These 7 signs indicate excess sugar intake

These 7 signs indicate excess sugar intake

Many scientific reports have found that diabetes is on the rise as a result of the pandemic. This is apparently possible due to the virus worsening pre-existing diabetes in people through increased insulin resistance. Studies have found that the virus can multiply within insulin-producing pancreatic beta-cells and debilitate insulin synthesis and secretion. Due to these developments, it is imperative for everyone to know the noticeable signs of excessive sugar intake and blood sugar composition. Signs that you’re consuming excess sugar: Constant craving for sugary things The reward center in your brain activates when you ingest some food or drink containing sugar. When sugar enters your body, your brain responds to dopamine, also known as feel-good chemicals. To put it simply, the brain informs your body that it feels good and wants more of that sweet-tasting thing. The issue with such a feeling is that your brain gets addicted to it over time and starts craving more. This is similar to how you develop an alcohol tolerance and need more of it to feel the buzz. Feeling lethargic throughout the day The pleasure of the sweet taste spikes your insulin, which makes the brain happy. But after this initial high, it is inevitable for your brain to come down and feel low.
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Top Causes for Shortness of Breath

Top Causes for Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath, also known as dyspnea, occurs when one feels they cannot get enough air into their lungs to breathe normally. It may occur when walking, climbing stairs, engaging in other physical activities, or doing nothing. It may develop suddenly or over some time. Sudden or unexpected breathlessness generally occurs due to health conditions and requires immediate attention from a doctor, especially when accompanied by chest pain, fainting, or nausea. Top causes for shortness of breath Carbon monoxide poisoning When one breathes in carbon monoxide, the chemical replaces the oxygen content in the body. This results in the vital organs being starved of oxygen, causing symptoms like shortness of breath, rapid breathing, chest pain, confusion, convulsions, dizziness, drowsiness, and fatigue. Young children, senior adults, people with lung or heart disease, and people at higher altitudes are at a higher risk of suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. Heart conditions When the heart does not pump enough oxygen-rich blood through the body, the body responds by breathing faster to ensure an uninterrupted supply of oxygen to the vital organs, causing a sensation of shortness of breath. Heart conditions like angina, heart attacks, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, and others are common causes behind the interruption of circulation of blood around the body, causing shortness of breath or breathlessness.
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6 human foods that cats can enjoy

6 human foods that cats can enjoy

Certain foods that are healthy for us may be beneficial for your cat. As a responsible cat parent, it is essential to be aware of the foods and their sources before slipping a morsel from your plate into your pet’s bowl. Ingestion of toxic foods can adversely affect the cat’s digestive system. Hence, it is advised to consult a vet for recommendations. Here is a list of human foods that are perfectly safe for cats: Meat Cats are carnivores by nature. Most of the commercial cat food in the market contains different meats, an excellent protein source. So, feeding them bits of cooked meats like beef, turkey, or chicken from your lunch plate is entirely alright. Make sure you limit the quantity of the meats. Overeating may cause digestive issues in cats. Salmon Cats love fish, and most vets recommend feeding them fish-based foods. They are a good source of omega-3 and other nutrients. Oily fish like tuna, salmon, or mackerel prove beneficial for their eyesight and joints. However, do not feed your feline straight from the can as they might lick it too aggressively, leading to cuts and bruises on their tongues. It’s best to feed them cooked fish without bones.
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Tips to prevent and manage prostate cancer

The prostate is a gland found in males. When unhealthy cells start to grow and multiply abnormally in that area, it leads to prostate cancer. There are various types of cancers that develop in the prostate gland, like small cell carcinomas, transitional cell carcinomas, sarcomas, and neuroendocrine tumors. It is essential to learn the signs and symptoms for timely treatment. Here are some ways of managing the condition and preventive methods to reduce the risk: Treatment options There are several treatment options available to manage prostate cancer, and each of the options has its possible risks or side effects. After a careful diagnosis and discussion with a health professional, they may suggest one of these: DR-TEST Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) is a test in which the doctor inserts a lubricated and gloved finger inside the rectum to examine the prostate by touch. If they find any abnormalities in the prostate, the doctor can immediately suggest any more tests and make a treatment plan. Xofigo This is an invasive treatment option advised when other options like hormonal or surgical methods have not been successful in lowering the testosterone levels in the body. It is also used when cancer has specifically spread to the bone and no other parts of the body.
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5 mistakes to avoid before bed for better sleep

Have you ever woken up feeling tired and lethargic despite sleeping for seven to eight hours at night? It could be due to poor sleep quality. Disturbed sleep influences the rest of your day: how you think, your performance at work, and other tasks. The causes of poor sleep are many, including a faulty mattress, distractions in your room, or a heavy dinner. Avoiding the following mistakes before bed can help you sleep better: Staring at a screen Using gadgets close to bedtime is probably the most common mistake in the digital age. The blue light emitted from screens affects the production of a specific hormone responsible for inducing sleep and regulating the circadian rhythm. Apart from the blue light emission, the television or mobile phone sound can be a distraction that keeps you awake. High noise levels create lots of mental stimulation and disturbance, preventing the brain from shutting down. Hence, it is advisable to avoid using phones, televisions, and laptops for at least an hour before bed. Exercising Exercise is among the best solutions for good health, but you must do it at the right time. Physical activity late in the evening or at night hampers sleep patterns by increasing stress and raising body temperature.
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Foods to be avoided by diabetes patients

Food gets broken down into glucose by the body to release energy for its functioning. Most meal plans combine fats, proteins, sugars, and other essential carbohydrates vital for healthy growth and organ function. However, people with diabetes should be careful about seemingly healthy foods as it can trigger a spike in their blood glucose levels. Here are different foods that are bad for diabetes and should not be eaten regularly: Various foods that are bad for diabetes patients Fruit juices and other drinks Sugar consumption via beverages can spike insulin levels drastically. Did you know that lots of seemingly healthy store-bought fruit smoothies, sports drinks, bottled juices, and sodas can spike blood sugar levels too? Also, natural fruit juices are not necessarily a healthy option as they are high in fructose. Aside from this, cola, iced tea, lemonade, and other flavored beverages are excessively high in carbs, sugar, and fructose. Their regular consumption can trigger insulin resistance, forcing healthy cells to reject insulin and extract glucose for energy.  Another crucial thing to remember is to avoid any type of spirit if you have diabetes. These contain empty calories and can worsen the condition significantly. Cereals, yogurt, and dried fruits Daily breakfast cereals are fortified with essential vitamins and nutrients that make up for a wholesome meal.
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3 foods to avoid for better lung health

Strengthening the lungs can help one avoid respiratory issues and diseases. Even when diagnosed with a lung-related illness, making significant changes to the lifestyle and food regimen can help people manage the symptoms and restore lung function. However, it is equally important to avoid the food items that damage these organs and cause issues like inflammation, sneezing, and wheezing. Here are a few foods to avoid to improve lung health: Salty food Foods with excessive salt should be avoided as their long-term consumption can have severe consequences on the overall health. Excess sodium in such food items can enlarge the muscles of the heart, cause headaches, increase blood pressure, and lead to a wide range of kidney-related issues like stones. Such foods can also have a negative effect on the health of the lungs and have been linked to an increased risk of bronchitis. Additionally, too much salt in meals can also worsen the symptoms of respiratory issues like asthma. This is because sodium can cause fluid retention, leading to shortness of breath in those with lung diseases. To reduce its intake, one should start by limiting salt in their meals and instead add more herbs and spices as seasoning.
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Migraine – Ways to manage the condition

Migraine headaches are a devitalizing experience. It completely saps the person of energy and prevents them from being productive during these episodes. There is usually a build-up to a migraine attack which is different for every individual. The phase before the actual migraine attack is known as the aura, and people may report seeing flashes of light or experiencing a tingling sensation. Below are some options for treating migraine headaches: Treatment options Nurtec Nurtec is a treatment option that helps relieve some symptoms of migraines. It reduces the severity of headaches and sensitivity to light. Nurtec is usually taken on alternate days to prevent migraines and other pain associated with the condition. Ubrelvy Ubrelvy, a fast pain-relief, is a treatment option that blocks calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in the body. CGRP is associated with migraine attacks, and suppressing it goes a long way in treating the condition.  Excedrin This pain reliever does not just treat migraine headaches but also pain in other parts of the body. Excedrin provides fast pain relief to the patient. Qulipta Qulipta is a treatment option that helps prevent migraines over a more extended period. However, medical professionals do not recommend this treatment option to people suffering from kidney or liver problems.
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10 human foods that are safe for dogs

Many pet owners tend to share their own food with their pets. After all, it can be hard to say no to the puppy eyes watching you while you cook or eat. However, humans and dogs metabolize food differently, and so, what is safe and healthy for you can be dangerous for your four-legged companion. So, here are a few safe and delicious human foods that even dogs can enjoy: Peanut butter Not just us, even dogs can’t get enough of peanut butter. Fortunately, it is safe for dogs and contains nutrients like healthy fats, vitamins B and E, protein, and niacin. However, it is high in fat and calorie content, so overindulgence can lead to health issues. Also, plain peanut butter that does not contain added sugar, salt, or artificial sweeteners, should be offered to dogs. Chicken Cooked chicken, without bones and spices, can be a perfect meal for canines. It is one of the best sources of protein, making it one of the most common ingredients in dog foods. Cooked chicken bones should never be given to your pets as these bones can splinter and lead to choking. Carrots Carrots can be your go-to choice for veggies that can be shared with dogs.
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Eczema – 3 methods to manage its symptoms

Eczema has many different stages and types. Unfortunately, about 10.1 percent of people in the country have some or the other form of this condition. Such a disease is a combination of conditions that make the skin irritated or inflamed. With proper treatment, one can manage symptoms. Red, dry, cracked, and leathery skin are the common eczema signs. Here are three useful methods that help deal with eczema and manage its symptoms: Getting the right treatment options Here are some treatments associated with eczema. Dupixent Dupixent is prescribed for children six or older and adults; for those who cannot control symptoms with other treatment measures, alternate treatments are not recommended. This monoclonal antibody works on a targeted area in the immune system. Dupixent comes in pre-filled single-dose pens and syringes, given as a subcutaneous injection. One can find this treatment option in two strengths: 300-mg/2-mL and 200 mg/1.14-mL solutions. Cibinqo This once-daily oral treatment helps manage symptoms for adults who have not seen relief with prevailing treatment options. Cibinqo is an FDA-approved treatment for adults with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis. Doses that can be taken are either 100 or 200 mg. Alternately, a 50 mg dosage is for patients with moderate renal impairment.
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4 practical ways to deal with psoriatic arthritis

Arthritis commonly affects people with psoriasis, a disease that results in red patches on the skin with silvery scales. Typically, people experience psoriasis years before they get diagnosed with this arthritis. It affects thirty percent of people with psoriasis. However, in some people, joint problems start before psoriasis or during the same time. Swelling, stiffness, and joint pain are the key signs of psoriatic arthritis. Here are the prevalent treatment options for psoriatic arthritis: Treatment options These prescriptions are known to work well against the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis: Otezla Otezla is an oral treatment plan that can be taken with or without food, or as the healthcare professional recommends. You should not chew, split, or crush the tablet before consumption. The recommended dosage depends on your response to treatment and condition. To keep side effects at bay, the doctor may start with a low Otezla dosage and gradually increase it. Rinvoq Rinvoq  should be consumed by mouth with or without food, typically once daily or as the doctor recommends. Do not split, chew, or crush the tablet. It can release the entire dosage in one go and heighten the susceptibility to side effects. To get maximum benefit, you must use Rinvoq regularly. The dosage depends on age and response to the treatment.
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