10 common side effects of caffeine

10 common side effects of caffeine

Most people love to start their day with a hot, refreshing cup of coffee. Coffee, as everyone knows, is a major source of caffeine in the lives of millions worldwide every day. While caffeine has its positives, one of which is helping people stay awake and refreshed for long hours, daily consumption can be problematic. Healthcare professionals generally discourage people from consuming excessive amounts of caffeine for a whole host of reasons.

  • Anxiety
    Perhaps the most well-known benefit of caffeine is how it eases exhaustion. This is possible as caffeine inhibits the effectiveness of adenosine, a brain chemical that creates the sensation of exhaustion in individuals. Simultaneously, caffeine also causes the release of a hormone named adrenaline, which brings about increased energy and vigor in caffeine consumers. Unfortunately, when one consumes too much caffeine, these effects are magnified excessively and cause anxiety, rapid breathing, jitteriness, and stress.
    If an individual consumes caffeine despite developing anxiety, their condition can go from bad to worse.
  • Frequent urges to urinate
    Consuming too much of any liquid can overwork the bladder and make one visit the restroom more often to urinate, and coffee is no different in that regard. However, caffeine contains chemicals that raise the risk of increased urination.

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3 easy tips to manage lymphoma

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