10 foods that help manage arthritis

10 foods that help manage arthritis

Arthritis is an inflammatory health condition that results in swelling across multiple joints in the body. It is a common problem that may cause stiffness and pain in the affected regions. Healthcare experts may indicate a range of treatment plans and therapies to improve symptoms of arthritis. But they may also recommend making lifestyle changes to curb symptoms of arthritis. Here are some of the best foods that help manage the condition and its symptoms.

The flavorful fruit contains a class of enzymes such as bromelain and is considered healthy for people with arthritis. Bromelain works as an effective enzyme that releases anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. The property is especially known to relieve the symptoms of osteoarthritis but may also help tackle the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. One could either eat pineapple fresh or drink its juice. Other ways to enjoy the fruit include blending it with other anti-inflammatory foods like romaine lettuce, ginger, and cilantro. One should also add water to the concoction until it reaches a preferred consistency.

Fatty fish like salmon are one of the healthiest food sources for multiple reasons. The fish contains high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids known for their anti-inflammatory effects.

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