10 healthy foods to boost bone health and manage osteoporosis

10 healthy foods to boost bone health and manage osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a health condition that weakens bones in the body, making them brittle. The condition may lead to injuries or fractures even at the slightest fall. Improving bone health is one of the best ways to prevent osteoporosis. One can achieve this by following a treatment plan prescribed by a healthcare professional. But to give the bones an additional nutrition boost, the individual should include the foods listed below in their meal plan.

Maintaining and retaining peak bone mass for a long period is essential, especially in people at risk of osteoporosis. One of the ways to ensure the bones receive sufficient calcium is through the intake of dairy products like milk. Adults require at least 700 mg of calcium daily to improve bone strength and structure. However, one should be mindful of the type of dairy products they consume. Consult a nutritional expert if one is confused about whether o opt for full-fat or nonfat dairy products. Nonfat options are usually low on vitamins A and D, which are also required to build strong bones. Therefore, if an individual picks dairy products without fat, they must look for options fortified with fat-soluble vitamins.

Eating a handful of nuts regularly could introduce calcium to the body.

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12 foods to avoid when dealing with osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a bone condition characterized by loss of bone density and mass, which can reduce mobility and increase the susceptibility to fractures. Deterioration of bone strength could be a result of calcium and vitamin D deficiency or other health conditions. Timely diagnosis and treatment can help restore bone density and prevent further damage. Further, certain lifestyle and meal-plan changes can expedite the healing process. So, here are some foods people with osteoporosis should avoid: Processed foods Processed foods like store-bought burgers, pizzas, cold cuts, and hot dogs can deplete the body’s calcium levels significantly, damaging the bones and worsening osteoporosis symptoms. So, it is best to replace processed foods with healthy fat and carb sources like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Beans Although beans are excellent sources of fiber, magnesium, and protein, they also contain high levels of phytate, which can reduce calcium absorption, weakening the bones. Adding different types of beans, including kidney beans, lentils, and garbanzo beans, to meal plans in moderation can be good for health. However, one should consider limiting beans to prevent further complications when dealing with osteoporosis. Liver Liver is one of the richest sources of vitamin A, a vital nutrient to facilitate healthy vision, a strong immune system, and optimal physical growth.
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Follow these eating habits and other tips to manage osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a health condition that weakens the bones, causing them to turn brittle and fracture. About 10 million individuals in the country suffer from osteoporosis. The deterioration of bones occurs in one of five men. In women, the probability is higher with osteoporosis affecting one in three individuals. Doctors prefer various prescription methods to cope with the condition and may also recommend some food tips. Here we have a few tips for managing osteoporosis: Eat foods to improve bone health One way to avoid osteoporosis is by eating foods to improve bone health. Introducing foods rich in calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, and milk, can nourish the body with calcium. The element is a vital nutrient for the formation and maintenance of the skeleton. Foods rich in vitamin C, E, K, and B also help in improving bone health. A few foods rich in these vitamins are collards, kale, spinach, arugula, swiss chard, and beet greens. Adding these edibles to meals can also introduce minerals like magnesium, selenium, and manganese to improve the quality of bones. Furthermore, eating foods abundant in omega-3, such as salmon and eggs, nourish the bones and promote rigidity. The fatty acid can also curb inflammation that may relieve any pain a person feels in their joints.
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12 supplements that help improve bone density

Bones are the building blocks of the human body, providing it with a framework, supporting its movement, helping it store minerals, and protecting the organs. Here, bone density plays a key role in maintaining bone strength and preventing bone diseases. Low bone density indicates brittleness, which may eventually lead to health conditions like osteopenia and osteoporosis. Nevertheless, nutrition-based changes, like taking vitamin and mineral supplements, can help improve bone density and keep diseases at bay. 1. Calcium Calcium constitutes a major part of bone tissues and can help strengthen bones. While dairy products are major food sources of calcium, those with lactose intolerance may have to avoid dairy, which may reduce calcium intake and lower bone density. Today, several calcium supplements are available in the market. One can consult a nutritionist or doctor before opting for these products. 2. Vitamin D Vitamin D is an essential nutrient responsible for the absorption of calcium in the body. In fact, studies have shown that without adequate intake of vitamin D, the body absorbs only 10–15% of calcium derived from foods. Sunlight is a major source of vitamin D, so optimal exposure to sunlight is essential to increase vitamin D levels in the body.
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