10 Hidden Facts About Long Haul Flights

10 Hidden Facts About Long Haul Flights

Long haul flights usually last beyond 6 hours and cover over 3,500 miles. These flights can be exhausting since they cross multiple time zones, and passengers not used to it may feel jet-lagged. But some fascinating things can happen on these lengthy journeys. In this article, we’ll discover 15 surprising facts about long haul flights, the changes one’s body goes through, and share tips for surviving these long journeys.

Secret sleeping area
Crew members on long haul flights need some rest like the rest of the passengers and are provided with a secret bedroom. The bedroom allows them to nap or take time off serving and attending to passengers. This room by the cockpit contains a bunk and, at times, a private bathroom and can be accessed only by the cabin crew.

Recycled air
The air in a long haul flight cabin is passed through efficient filters and recycled with fresh air. The filters remove the bacteria and viruses and circulate back into the cabin after being mixed with fresh air. This process is done every few minutes, approximately 15 times an hour. A plane engine takes in massive amounts of air and compresses it to burn with the fuel and produce energy that moves the plane.

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