10 Things That Can Harm the Eyes

10 Things That Can Harm the Eyes

Annual eye exams can help detect changes in vision and also aid in keeping eye infections and diseases at bay. While many eyesight issues can develop due to age and existing health conditions, certain daily habits can increase the risk of such problems. While an ophthalmologist can help one find solutions to correct, improve, and resolve vision-related issues, one should also avoid doing the following things to improve eye health: 

Things to avoid
Not choosing nutrient-rich food
The human body needs nutrients and minerals to carry out vital functions. So, when one skips nutrient-rich meals, it can lead to a deficiency that can affect overall health, including vision. Further, a vitamin deficiency can damage the optic nerve. So, one should choose foods that provide essential nutrients; for instance, foods like beans and fresh fruits and vegetables like kale, spinach, and lemon are great additions to meal plans.

Excessive sun exposure
One of the worst things that can hurt the eyes is staring at the sun. Typically, looking at the sun without any protective gear can cause a burning sensation. Here, the damage to the retina develops within a few seconds and causes discomfort. So, healthcare professionals recommend using special-purpose solar-filtered lenses to protect the eyes from such harm.

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