10 things to consider before buying an engagement ring

10 things to consider before buying an engagement ring

A proposal is an unforgettable occasion and a core memory for every couple. The partner who chooses to propose must plan and execute it to perfection. Whether they plan an elaborate, intimate, or personal proposal, the ring is always the centerpiece of an engagement ceremony. The rings are the first step toward formalizing a relationship, as an engagement ring is not just a piece of jewelry; it is a symbol of commitment.

Importance of an engagement ring
An engagement is a symbolic ceremony where a couple formalizes their relationship before a more elaborate marriage ceremony. It carries a lot of sentimental value for both partners. Traditionally, a woman often wears an engagement ring until the wedding ceremony, when the wedding ring replaces it. However, no specific rules exist now regarding who should wear them and when and how long one should wear them. Many continue to wear their engagement rings along with their wedding rings. Some may repurpose them as pendants or chains and wear them as necklaces with immense sentimental value. Many leave their engagement rings to their children as heirloom jewelry that is to be treasured by many generations.

Tips for buying the right engagement ring
The ring choice is a personal decision made by the couple or the person who plans to propose.  But  without  a plan, shopping for one can be  overwhelming  and disappointing.

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