11 common home repair and maintenance mistakes to avoid

11 common home repair and maintenance mistakes to avoid

Home maintenance is an ongoing task. Falling behind on HVAC systems’ maintenance, appliance maintenance, and even plumbing can require a complete replacement. One of the best ways to maintain a home and its structural integrity is cleaning things and repairing them at the first signs of wear, but aside from neglecting the same, people can make several mistakes when caring for their home. So, here are eleven common home repair and maintenance mistakes to avoid.

Not winterizing
Many homeowners forget about winterizing, a crucial step in maintaining their property. Winterizing is taking preventative measures to protect the property against damage that freezing temperatures can cause. Tasks like insulating pipes to prevent them from freezing and bursting, clearing gutters and downspouts to ensure proper drainage, sealing windows and doors to prevent drafts, and servicing heating systems to ensure they function efficiently during the colder months are all part of the winterizing process. Winterizing a home or property helps prevent costly damage and ensures the comfort and safety of occupants during months when the area sees freezing temperatures.

Not addressing water damage
One of the biggest lapses in maintenance is not addressing water damage immediately. When spaces like bathrooms aren’t kept dry, water damage and mold can affect them and further penetrate the structure, resulting in costly repairs or even complete replacements.

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