11 common mistakes people with sleep apnea should avoid

11 common mistakes people with sleep apnea should avoid

One might have a healthy meal plan and exercise regularly, but all such efforts are in vain without proper sleep. Because sleep is indispensable, diagnosing sleep conditions early and following a systematic treatment course is important. Sleep apnea is one  such  condition in which one’s breathing stops during sleep. Often, it causes symptoms like snoring and fatigue. Alongside consulting a doctor, avoiding  some  mistakes during treatment can help control the symptoms.

Not having a fixed sleep  schedule
A healthy sleep schedule is  the cornerstone  to  speedy  recovery from sleep apnea.  Although a healthy sleep pattern doesn’t suffice alone, it is essential in helping one feel refreshed and reducing fatigue. So, it is a good idea to sleep and wake up at fixed times as far as possible, ensuring that one gets at least seven to eight hours of sleep  at night . To help the body get accustomed to this schedule, one should follow certain healthy sleep practices, such as staying away from gadgets and electronic devices before bedtime, investing in a comfortable mattress, and sleeping in a dark room.

Not having the right sleeping position
C hanging  one’s sleep position might help control sleep apnea symptoms. The best sleep position for those with sleep apnea is to sleep on one’s side with one’s back straight.

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Effects of Sleeping Positions on Sleep

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Avoid These 5 Things to Improve Sleep Quality

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