11 foods that may worsen COPD symptoms

11 foods that may worsen COPD symptoms

COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a group of conditions that affect the lungs. Emphysema or chronic bronchitis are two of the most common forms of COPD. While it has no absolute cure, certain treatment options can help relieve the symptoms. One of the ways to manage and improve respiratory health is to monitor what one eats and recognize foods that can worsen COPD symptoms. So, here are a few foods to avoid:

Sugary foods
Foods rich in refined sugar, like baked goods, cookies, candies, sweet rolls, pies, and cobblers, can increase blood sugar levels and bloating. Furthermore, these foods can cause frequent energy crashes, making one feel fatigued. All of these factors can worsen COPD symptoms like wheezing, coughing, and breathlessness.

Salty foods
Frozen foods, salted nuts, and takeout meals may have a high amount of salt (sodium). Excessive sodium can make the body retain fluids. For those with COPD, this means an elevated risk of pulmonary hypertension or high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs. These issues can lead to other COPD complications as well. So, it is important to monitor daily salt intake by checking food labels and choosing foods with low sodium.

Processed meat
Cured or processed meat has been associated with several health issues, including the worsening of COPD symptoms.

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