11 mistakes to avoid while naming a business

11 mistakes to avoid while naming a business

The business name has multiple roles to play apart from being an identity. The name is crucial in building a long-term relationship of the business with its customers, investors, and other stakeholders. It helps create goodwill for the business. The right name can convey the intended meaning and distinguish one’s business from its competitors, making it stand out. A relevant and catchy business name is an asset that is as important as the business’s offerings.

Mistakes to avoid when naming a business
While choosing the right name is important, entrepreneurs should be patient and not go overboard with names.  Otherwise, they may choose a name that they like but does not resonate with  the  customers. It is crucial to avoid some mistakes while  one is  choosing a name for  their  business.

Thinking of complex names to appear unique
A unique name is helpful in many ways, but choosing something complex, strange, or difficult to pronounce for one’s target audience is a common mistake many businesses make. For instance, choosing an unfamiliar, foreign business name to sound exotic for an essentially native clientele may not work well.

Choosing names that are difficult to spell or write
Choose a name that is easy to pronounce for a cross-section of the market.

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