11 Potential Warning Signs of Excess Sugar Intake

11 Potential Warning Signs of Excess Sugar Intake

Processed foods like cakes, cookies, candies, and breakfast cereals contain added sugar, and most people find them delicious and irresistible. However, they have little nutritional value. Eating too many sweets can increase the risk of several health issues. For instance, it can lead to blood sugar spikes and heart disease. When a person eats too much sugar regularly, the body begins to give signs that it is time to cut back on sweet foods.

High blood pressure
Besides monitoring salt intake, people suffering from high blood pressure should watch their sugar intake because eating too much sugar is also linked to high blood pressure. According to a study, foods high in sugar can reduce nitric oxide in the blood vessels, which can, in turn, impact blood flow and lead to high blood pressure.

Mood swings or irritability
Feeling moody, irritable, or depressed on and off is a common sign of high sugar intake. Mood swings occur as foods high in sugar affect the neurotransmitters in the brain that regulate mood. Sugary foods also negatively impact gut function, another factor linked to a person’s mood.

Low energy or tiredness
Binging on sugary snacks wreaks havoc on one’s blood sugar levels. It first causes blood glucose to rise, providing a boost of energy.

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Ear problems triggered by excessive sugar and their symptoms

Most people love eating sugary foods or beverages, but it often comes at a cost. Excessive intake of sugar-rich foods is known to cause various health concerns affecting the eyes, kidneys, liver, skin, and even the ears. It happens due to uncontrolled blood sugar levels in one’s body, paving the way for chronic conditions like diabetes. Keep reading to learn more about the various hearing issues caused by excessive sugar intake and their warning signs. Hearing problems and other ear issues caused by excessive sugar intake Decreased hearing Hearing loss is extremely common among older adults as it happens with age. However, other factors can play a pivotal role in developing this condition, including diabetes, prolonged exposure to loud noises, and excess ear wax. Usually, when it comes to diabetes, one of the main reasons patients can develop hearing loss or decreased hearing is the damage caused to the blood vessels in the inner ear. But diabetes can also cause other complications, including auditory nerve damage, where one may experience problems like sounds fading in and out. Loss of balance As mentioned previously, uncontrolled blood sugar levels in the body can cause damage to the small blood vessels in the ear.
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8 signs of gastrointestinal problems due to a high sugar intake

Sugar is an incredibly common ingredient; people enjoy its use in cakes, sodas, and more. However, it isn’t uncommon for the ingredient to adversely affect our overall health, especially if one is at risk of diabetes. Consuming excess amounts of sugar may lead to a range of problems, including those with the digestive system. Thus, here are eight early warning signs that may indicate complications with gastrointestinal health due to too much sugar intake. Bloating People may experience bloating for various reasons, including swallowing air when they chew on foods like gum, overeating, and even menstruation. However, one may also experience this symptom if they consume too much sugar. While absorbing water is the primary job of the large intestine, too much sugar may draw water from the intestine or prevent its absorption. As a result, one may feel bloating or heaviness in the gut. This symptom should be checked by an expert, especially if it persists. Gas Another common symptom that most individuals may experience is gas. When an individual consumes too many sugar-rich foods, the body might not be able to break down the excessive amount of sugar. As a result, the food may lie around in the large intestine, where it ferments.
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These 7 signs indicate excess sugar intake

Several scientific studies have demonstrated how excess sugar damages the human body over time. Diseases like diabetes are one of the many dangerous side effects. As a result, you must monitor your daily sugar intake rigorously. We can do so by having a healthy and balanced meal plan and indulging in an active lifestyle. Here are specific symptoms you must watch out for to know if your sugar intake has increased.  Signs that you’re consuming excess sugar: Constant craving for sugary things The reward center in your brain activates when you ingest some food or drink containing sugar. When sugar enters your body, your brain responds to dopamine, also known as feel-good chemicals. To put it simply, the brain informs your body that it feels good and wants more of that sweet-tasting thing. The issue with such a feeling is that your brain gets addicted to it over time and starts craving more. This is similar to how you develop an alcohol tolerance and need more of it to feel the buzz. Feeling lethargic throughout the day The pleasure of the sweet taste spikes your insulin, which makes the brain happy. But after this initial high, it is inevitable for your brain to come down and feel low.
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