11 Superfoods to Reduce Cholesterol Levels

11 Superfoods to Reduce Cholesterol Levels

The human body requires cholesterol to process hormones, Vitamin D, and digestion. But letting it accumulate in the body can lead to clogged arteries and health issues like heart attack. High blood pressure, diabetes, chest pain, or experiencing pain while walking are signs that show one’s cholesterol levels are too high. One way to maintain healthy cholesterol levels is to eat nutrient-rich food. Here are some superfoods for maintaining a healthy cholesterol level.

Types of cholesterol
There are mainly two types of cholesterol; LDL and HDL. LDL (low-density lipoprotein) is considered “bad” cholesterol since it clogs the blood vessels with plaque. The HDL (high-density lipoprotein), on the other hand, or the “good” cholesterol, helps carry and eliminate the LDL and regulate bodily functions. One way to ensure the bloodstream has lower levels of harmful LDL is to eat the right foods. Besides food, age can be another factor that can increase one’s cholesterol levels. With age, metabolism slows down, which can impact one’s processing of nutrients. Similarly, a family history of high blood cholesterol can also make one vulnerable to developing the condition.

Superfoods to eat to lower cholesterol

Being one of the powerhouses of soluble fiber, oats are an excellent breakfast option for those with high cholesterol.

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