11 uncommon signs of blood cancer to watch out for

11 uncommon signs of blood cancer to watch out for

Blood cancer is a group of diseases that affect the production and function of blood cells in the body. The three primary types of blood cancer are leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. While many people are familiar with common symptoms of blood cancer, like frequent infections and unexplained loss of body mass, some uncommon signs can also be indicative of blood cancer. Let’s look at some signs that should prompt one to seek immediate medical help.

What is blood cancer?
There are three types of blood cells: red (RBCs), which carry oxygen to the body; white (WBCs), which fight off infections; and platelets, which help with blood clotting post injury. Any abnormal and excess production of these cells that affects their normal functioning is blood cancer. Leukemia often involves abnormal production of blood cells in the bone marrow, resulting in a low platelet count. Lymphoma affects the lymphatic system, which includes lymph nodes, spleen, and other lymphoid tissues. Multiple myeloma, on the other hand, affects a type of white blood cell called plasma, which is responsible for producing antibodies. Each cancer type is classified further based on several factors, including the part of the body where the cancer originates and the specific blood cells affected.

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