12 common mistakes that can damage one’s smartphone

12 common mistakes that can damage one’s smartphone

In today’s fast-paced world, smartphones have become indispensable. These devices are one’s communication hub, entertainment source, and personal assistant. With an increasing dependence on these devices, it becomes crucial to use them correctly for prolonged longevity. However, many people inadvertently make common mistakes while handling smartphones that can affect their health and performance. So, here are some mistakes that can harm one’s smartphone and tips on how to avoid them.

Not unplugging the phone
When a smartphone stays plugged in even after the charging is complete, it experiences a continuous flow of electricity to maintain that charge, resulting in added strain on the battery. This can lead to excess heat, which ultimately contributes to potential damage. To preserve the battery’s health and longevity, it’s advisable to unplug the phone as soon as it reaches its charging potential rather than letting it remain plugged in unnecessarily.

Charging the smartphone overnight
Leaving a smartphone plugged in overnight might seem convenient, but it’s a mistake that strains the phone’s battery. This continuous charging, often called “trickle charging,” can lead to the battery slowly losing its capacity over time. It eventually leads to an overall diminished battery life and reduced performance.

Letting the battery drain fully
Many smartphone users may have the habit of using their device until the battery drains completely to 0%.

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