12 everyday foods to relieve a stuffy nose

12 everyday foods to relieve a stuffy nose

A stuffy nose or nasal congestion is generally caused by inflamed blood vessels or mucus in the sinuses because of allergies, colds, or flu. It affects normal breathing, leads to appetite loss, and makes it difficult to perform routine activities. While a stuffy nose typically goes away in a couple of days, one may require some home remedies to manage the discomfort. Here are certain foods to have that give relief from a stuffy nose.

Chicken soup
Packed with nutrients and flavors, chicken soup is good for getting relief from discomfort caused by a stuffy nose. It contains lots of vitamins, minerals, calories, and protein, that are required by the body while recovering from an illness. Also, the chicken in the soup is a good source of amino acid cysteine, which has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. It breaks down the mucus in the nasal passage opening up the sinuses. Moreover, chicken soup is enriched with electrolytes, which keeps the body hydrated, quickening the process of recovery.

Similar to chicken soup, broths are also effective in relieving a stuffy nose. They are good sources of electrolytes and fluids that can help in soothing the inflamed nasal membranes. Drinking warm broth made from either vegetables or meat is often recommended to alleviate the discomfort caused by a stuffy nose.

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3 tips to combat cold and flu attacks

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