12 Pain Symptoms to Never Ignore

12 Pain Symptoms to Never Ignore

Pain is the brain’s signaling that something is wrong with an organ or function in the body. Everybody experiences some form of pain that can be mild or severe, depending on the underlying cause. No two people experience pain the same way as it develops, varying in intensity and frequency. However, certain types of pain develop as a precursor to known health complications. Here are the ones to never ignore.

Intense headache pain
Headaches may come and go, but if it persists longer than usual with sharp bouts of pain, check it. Any injury, stroke, or brain aneurysm can trigger intense pain that develops almost immediately and persists without relief. With headaches, one might also experience specific neurological symptoms like confusion, pain on one side, weakness, and even seizures that develop without warning.

Chest pain
Pain that develops abruptly in the chest without prior progression could indicate a blocked artery or become a precursor to major cardiovascular problems. This pain is accompanied by a pressure or squeezing sensation in the chest that affects breathing. One might also experience dizziness or develop fatigue as the pain worsens. Blood clots in the arteries trigger these symptoms that should not be ignored. Remember, heart attacks do not develop out of the blue.

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6 unusual signs of blood clots

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