12 signs it’s time to get new doors and windows

12 signs it’s time to get new doors and windows

Doors and windows connect homes to the world. However, as they are part of the home’s exterior, they are constantly exposed to external elements like wind, snow, rain, and dust. Additionally, even room and patio doors are used extensively, undergoing quite a bit of wear and tear. So, it’s necessary to maintain all doors and windows, regularly look for issues, and get them replaced if one notices the following signs:

Signs to replace doors

1. Wide gaps
With time, the gaps between the front doors and the floor beneath them may begin to widen, or the doors can get misaligned. This can make the door let in cold air. If that is the case, it is a clear sign that the door needs to be replaced or at least repaired.

2. Cracks
Harsh winds, extreme winters, excessive moisture, or rough use—any of these factors can speed up door wear and tear. While some of these cracks can get repaired, the situation may get out of hand after a point if cracks keep developing. That’s when the door needs to be replaced. Garden and patio doors are particularly vulnerable to such wear and tear because they are directly exposed to such elements.

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