12 warning signs of psoriasis to be aware of

12 warning signs of psoriasis to be aware of

Psoriasis is  a type of  autoimmune skin disorder marked by chronic inflammation and a rapid overproduction of skin cells. This chronic condition leads to an overactive immune system, affecting the whole body. It is more common among adults, especially those aged between 40 and 59  years . There are several types of psoriasis the most common one  is  plaque psoriasis.  External factors like skin injury, throat infection, or certain treatment options usually cause psoriasis.

Warning signs of psoriasis
In psoriasis, people  can develop different signs and symptoms,  varying from one person to another. The symptoms also depend on which  type of psoriasis  one has .  If one experiences any  of the  common warning signs of psoriasis, they should seek medical help.

Psoriasis forms thick, red patches on the skin that are often covered with silvery flakes on the skin called scales. People can notice significant and sudden changes in the way their skin looks. The raised, inflamed patches, seen mainly on the elbows, scalp, knees, and lower back, can surface anywhere on the body. Sometimes, these patches merge, creating larger patches that may be sore to tough or cause irritation. One may get a sensation of itching the affected area constantly.

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