13 superfoods that help prevent and manage migraines

13 superfoods that help prevent and manage migraines

Individuals grappling with migraine attacks would perhaps understand best that headaches can be debilitating, affecting one’s daily routines considerably. A migraine attack is a severe throbbing headache, typically on one side of the head, accompanied by symptoms like vomiting, nausea, and light and sound sensitivity. These attacks occur intermittently and may last varying durations, differing between individuals. Let’s get insights into certain foods that can help fight migraines and control their symptoms.

Boiled spinach
Some studies have shown that magnesium may block certain brain signals that cause migraine attacks, while other research articles suggest that magnesium is essential to stop the development of certain chemicals that may contribute to migraines. Thus, magnesium-rich foods can help individuals with migraines control their symptoms. Half a cup of boiled spinach contains nearly 78 mg of magnesium; moreover, it is an excellent source of iron, whose deficiency can cause low oxygen levels in the brain and lead to migraines. Further, it is advisable to have vitamin C-rich foods alongside foods rich in iron to ensure optimal iron absorption.

An extreme dip in blood sugar levels can cause or exacerbate migraine headaches. Besides being rich in magnesium and potassium, bananas provide an instant surge of energy and prevent the onset of a migraine attack.

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6 surprising migraine triggers and ways to manage them

No one can know what a painful affair a sudden onset of migraine pang is other than the person who goes through it. While the migraine triggers differ from person to person, a few culprits are there, which seem to attack everyone indiscriminately. When one can identify their triggers, they are a step closer to effectively managing migraine and avoiding future attacks. Here are six surprising migraine triggers which you may not have been previously aware of: Excessive stress Stress is the most common reason that tends to trigger migraine pangs. According to some studies, stress is a catalyst for 70 percent of migraine attacks in patients. Besides, such studies have revealed a close relationship between daily migraine activity and stress levels. Furthermore, there seems to be a continuous cycle in which the day-to-day stress levels are further loaded with the worry of upcoming migraine attacks. How to manage: One can begin by preparing an exhaustive list of things that seem to bug daily but are pretty mundane and can be dealt with quickly without any undue tension or stress. Once the list is prepared, work on those triggers to reduce their effects on your stress levels. Besides that, try relaxation therapy, yoga, meditation, exercise, biofeedback, and massage to calm your mind and maintain a consistent sleep schedule.
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11 Superfoods That Help Manage Kidney Disease

The kidneys play a key role in the body by filtering waste and excess fluid from the blood. Additionally, they control the production of red blood cells, make vitamins that control growth, and release hormones that regulate blood pressure. These vital functions can be affected by conditions like kidney cysts, stones, chronic kidney disease, and acute kidney injury. Although food cannot cure these conditions, certain superfoods can help manage kidney disease better. Top superfoods Food restrictions may vary, but people with kidney disease are often asked to limit their intake of sodium, potassium, and phosphorus. Damaged kidneys cannot effectively filter sodium, causing a spike in sodium levels. Experts recommend limiting its intake to less than 2,000 mg per day. Similarly, there is a risk of high potassium levels in the blood when dealing with kidney issues. Experts recommend restricting potassium intake to 2,000 mg per day. Further, impaired functioning of the kidneys may also impede phosphorus filtration in the kidneys. Elevated levels of phosphorus can damage other organs, too, so one should limit their intake to less than 800–1,000 mg per day. Here are a few superfoods low in sodium, potassium, and phosphorus one can  add to their meals when dealing with kidney disease:
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Odors that trigger migraines and ways to manage the condition

Around one in seven individuals worldwide suffer from migraine. It is a severe headache that affects one side of the head, usually accompanied by nausea and vomiting. While migraine can be caused due to several reasons, increased sensitivity to smells, or osmophobia, is a prevalent trigger. It is not clear why some are sensitive to specific smells and develop headaches. Below are a few odors that can trigger migraines and ways to manage the condition: Which odors can trigger migraines? Smells are just as powerful a trigger for migraine as sleep deprivation. The most prevalent smells that can lead to migraine are gasoline, car exhaust, perfumes, pesticides, asphalt, nail polish, cooking steam, and detergents. However, it can take over 15 minutes for a person to develop symptoms after exposure to a problematic odor.  Why do smells trigger migraines? As mentioned, hypersensitivity to these smells is the cause of the problem. Experts suggest that increased sensitivity may be linked to a smaller olfactory bulb, a brain receptor responsible for processing odors. Studies show that people with migraines have a relatively tinier olfactory bulb than others.  How to manage migraines? Migraines caused due to osmophobia can be extremely painful and unpleasant. Many individuals report feeling disgusted by the smell of food being cooked and repelled by raw food.
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