13 tasty foods for a healthy heart

13 tasty foods for a healthy heart

Cardiovascular diseases are prevalent in our country. Statistics suggest that one in every five fatalities is associated with heart problems. Therefore, it is essential to adopt an active lifestyle and follow a meal plan that improves heart health. The foods listed below taste great by themselves, and you can also mix them with other ingredients to make them more palatable. But seek a nutritionist’s guidance to avoid the aggravation of underlying health conditions.

Most people consider oatmeal a breakfast food, but it is more than just that. Oatmeal can be had any time of the day, especially in the form of granola bars, whenever hunger pangs are bothering. It is rich in soluble fiber, which causes the liver to produce more bile. Bile, in turn, helps lower LDL cholesterol. So a bowl of oatmeal mixed with your favorite foods can be a great step toward a healthy heart.

Black bean salsa
When the cravings are for something delicious yet healthy, have some black bean salsa. It is packed with soluble fiber that brings down bad cholesterol levels to a healthy range. Add some veggies, corn, and mango for a splash of color and to get all the essential nutrients and vitamins.

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