3 common types of soaps that trigger eczema flareups

3 common types of soaps that trigger eczema flareups

Atopic dermatitis or eczema is a skin disease that makes the skin reddish, inflamed, and itchy because of specific triggers. It can affect any body part and appear anywhere on the skin. The most common symptoms are dryness, bumps, rashes, redness, and peeling of the skin. Despite being one of the most typical forms of atopic dermatitis, there is no such common definite cause; however, particular triggers cause eczema flareups, including specific kinds of soaps.

Soaps and eczema flareups

When eczema triggers, most of the time, it makes its appearance in certain typical parts of the body. These include behind the knee areas, hands, and feet. Some of the most common triggers of eczema flareups include household cleaners containing specific chemicals, and, most notably, soaps. However, the experience of eczema won’t be the same for everyone. One of the most typical symptoms is dry skin, where the soap’s role becomes significant.

It is a pretty well-known fact that using soaps makes one’s skin dry. This happens because of specific harsh chemicals that swipe off moisture from one’s skin. These chemicals can also trigger severe irritation and reactions, specifically if the skin is too sensitive or if one is suffering from eczema.

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