3 effective tips for relieving nasal congestion

3 effective tips for relieving nasal congestion

A stuffy or congested nose develops when nasal and adjacent tissues and the blood vessels are swollen with excess fluid, resulting in one’s nose feeling plugged. It may be accompanied by a runny nose or nasal discharge and can be especially uncomfortable for children. Nasal congestion can be a common symptom of allergies, cold and sinus infections, or even environmental irritants. However, one can manage nasal congestion by the following treatment options, foods, and remedies:

Treatment options
Allegra: As an antihistamine, Allegra lowers the impact of the natural chemical histamine in the body. This chemical can trigger symptoms like runny nose, watery eyes, itching, and sneezing. Allegra helps treat symptoms of seasonal allergies in both children and adults. This oral option can be taken on an empty stomach or 1–2 hours after a meal. It must not be consumed with fruit juices. One should consult a doctor for the dosage and check the label for instructions. Avoid using it for longer than recommended or in larger or small amounts than prescribed.

Xyzal: This is also an antihistamine that can help with nasal congestion symptoms and can help overcome hives and skin itching. Like Allegra, Xyzal blocks histamine to relieve allergy symptoms.

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12 everyday foods to relieve a stuffy nose

A stuffy nose or nasal congestion is generally caused by inflamed blood vessels or mucus in the sinuses because of allergies, colds, or flu. It affects normal breathing, leads to appetite loss, and makes it difficult to perform routine activities. While a stuffy nose typically goes away in a couple of days, one may require some home remedies to manage the discomfort. Here are certain foods to have that give relief from a stuffy nose. Chicken soup Packed with nutrients and flavors, chicken soup is good for getting relief from discomfort caused by a stuffy nose. It contains lots of vitamins, minerals, calories, and protein, that are required by the body while recovering from an illness. Also, the chicken in the soup is a good source of amino acid cysteine, which has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. It breaks down the mucus in the nasal passage opening up the sinuses. Moreover, chicken soup is enriched with electrolytes, which keeps the body hydrated, quickening the process of recovery. Broths Similar to chicken soup, broths are also effective in relieving a stuffy nose. They are good sources of electrolytes and fluids that can help in soothing the inflamed nasal membranes. Drinking warm broth made from either vegetables or meat is often recommended to alleviate the discomfort caused by a stuffy nose.
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15 foods that may help relieve mucus buildup

Mucus production is a healthy part of one’s respiratory system. This mucus lining in the mouth, nose, sinus, throat, and lungs is responsible for trapping dust, allergens, and viruses. However, during an infection or an allergy, phlegm or mucus can cause irritation and discomfort. People often use home remedies such as humidifiers, steam, and gargling to relieve mucus. To aid this process and alleviate symptoms, the following foods may also help: Ginger Ginger plays an important role in the cuisine of several cultures across the world. Due to its antihistamine content, ginger has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, often acting as a natural decongestant. It can help relieve mucus and reduce infections of the upper respiratory tract. For best results, try fresh ginger root. Boil it in some water to make ginger tea, or slice or grate it into smoothies or juices for an additional flavor and immunity boost. Cayenne pepper Cayenne pepper (and other spicy peppers) are a rich source of capsaicin. This can help reduce cough and mucus buildup in the body. To consume it, simply add one pinch of cayenne pepper to soup or broth. However, those experiencing acid reflux or other digestive ailments must avoid spicy foods as they may worsen inflammation.
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Top 7 Home Remedies for Cold and Flu

Cold and flu are common upper respiratory tract diseases and even though they are different, they have shared symptoms like sore throat, fever, and nasal congestion. The viral conditions spread via droplets suspended in the air from an infected person. Colds are a mild form, while a flu tends to be more severe. Once can turn to home remedies to effectively control their symptoms initially in mild cases of either condition. Top 7 home remedies for cold and flu Increase your consumption of zinc A very effective home remedy to help treat cold and flu symptoms, as well as help manage COVID, is adding zinc to the meal plan to boost the immunity system. This mineral aids in creating germ-fighting white blood cells so that symptoms of cold and flu stay under check. Additionally, zinc is also known to fight off the flu virus and reduce its growth in the body. Some of the foods that come rich in zinc comprise chickpeas, beans, dairy, lentils, red meat, eggs, and more. Furthermore, supplements can also be taken before the flu season commences to keep the immune system strong. Adding these foods as part of daily meal plan will not only aid in keeping cold and flu virus at bay, but will also help in maintaining good health.
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