3 effective ways to manage high cholesterol levels

3 effective ways to manage high cholesterol levels

Cholesterol is a fatty substance in the blood that helps the body function. But excess, usually over 240 mg/dl, is harmful. High cholesterol affects nearly 40 percent of our country’s adult population. The leading causes include a meal plan high in saturated fat, a sedentary lifestyle, and stress. The ailment has no symptoms, making it hard to detect without a blood test. Here are the treatments, meal plans, and lifestyle tips for managing cholesterol levels:

Treatment options
There are two types of cholesterol: good cholesterol (also known as high-density lipoprotein or HDL) and bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein or LDL). High levels of bad cholesterol are more harmful, and most treatments aim to reduce its amount in the blood. Two popular treatment options are:

    LIVALO ®  is an FDA-approved option for adults. It helps lower bad cholesterol by limiting the liver’s ability to produce it. The treatment works best with a healthy nutrition plan and exercise. The recommended dose for LIVALO ®  is 2 mg daily, but it can go up to a maximum of 4 mg. Patients should consult a doctor to determine the correct dosage. It can have side effects like back pain and constipation.
  • Repatha®
    Repatha® helps lower bad cholesterol by limiting the ability of a particular protein responsible for regulating the amount of cholesterol.

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11 Superfoods to Reduce Cholesterol Levels

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7 snack ideas for lowering cholesterol levels

The CDC suggests that about 38% of adults in the country have high cholesterol levels. This puts them at risk of heart diseases and serious complications. So, it is important to regulate ones bad cholesterol levels by getting an adequate amount of heart-healthy fats and fiber. Adding sources like fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, whole grains, and legumes can help one get the necessary nutrients. So, here are seven snack ideas to lower one’s cholesterol levels: Oatmeal The versatility of oats is unmatched, so one can add them to any recipe of choice. Additionally, oatmeal is the go-to snack when it comes to lowering cholesterol. It is rich in soluble fibers that bind to cholesterol and flush them out before they can reach the bloodstream. Besides fiber, one serving of oatmeal contains high levels of protein and heart-friendly antioxidants. Fresh or dried fruits and honey are recommended additions to oatmeal as they can help achieve better results. Fruit bowl Fruit bowls are another way of adding low-cholesterol snacks into one’s daily diet. Fruits are incredibly rich in fiber and can make people feel full for extended periods. Additionally, they are a rich source of essential minerals and vitamins. Some of the most effective foods include almonds and fruits like berries and apples.
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