3 tips for managing multiple sclerosis

3 tips for managing multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a condition that affects the central nervous system of the body. Here, the body’s immune system attacks the nerve fibers with the risk of causing permanent damage. As per a National MS Society study, about 1 million people in the country are affected by this condition. While there’s no permanent cure for the disease, it can be managed through the following treatment options, better food choices, and a few lifestyle changes: 

Choosing the right treatment options
People affected by multiple sclerosis (or MS) are usually capable of living a normal or near-normal life. With the right treatment, their condition can improve drastically. Ponvory, Kesimpta, and Ocrevus   are three different options prescribed by doctors for MS patients. Here is what one can expect:

Ponvory:  This helps treat patients suffering from relapsing forms of MS. Adults with active secondary progression and relapsing-remitting MS can also benefit from this option. However, it has not been tested on kids. Ponvory is meant to be taken orally with or without food.

KESIMPTA:  This is a prescription option for adults with relapsing forms of MS. The effectiveness of the option on children is yet to be proven. KESIMPTA is a liquid solution that is injected under the skin to target the B cells of the lymph nodes that play a role in relapsing multiple sclerosis.

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7 Warning Signs That Indicate Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurological condition affecting the spinal cord and brain. Here, the immune system attacks the myelin sheath, which protects nerve fibers. The condition disrupts communication between the brain and other body parts. This neurological condition lasts long and can impact people as young as 20. Relapsing multiple sclerosis is a severe type of MS that can often deteriorate the patient’s condition. Between these flare-ups, they will have periods of recovery also. Early warning signs of MS The signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis may vary between patients and keep changing as the disease progresses. Some early warning signs that indicate MS at its initial stages are listed below. 1. Cognitive issues About half of the patients with multiple sclerosis suffer from cognitive dysfunction. These problems are often mild, and it is rare to have severe issues. This condition does not usually change one’s intellectual ability but might lead to poor memory, slowed thinking, and attention deficit issues. A patient will struggle to find the right word to use while speaking. 2. Optic neuritis In the early stages of MS, a patient’s eye health might also get affected. This disease damages the optic nerve, which connects the eye and brain.
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Multiple sclerosis – Foods to avoid to manage the condition

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an illness that impacts the central nervous system. Therefore, at first glance, your food may not appear to play a significant role in initiating your symptoms or exacerbating the illness. However, consuming certain foods and eliminating others may bring some benefits. While there is no specific food-related advice for MS patients, consuming whole foods is advised. And if you are wondering what not to consume for sclerosis, read on. How food helps manage multiple sclerosis It is believed that the condition is caused by a combination of hereditary and environmental variables and that food can play a role. Also, the fact that MS is more common in developed countries than in developing ones indicates that nutrition may play a role. As a result, nutritional recommendations for individuals with MS focus on symptom management to enhance the overall quality of life. However, before making any food changes, consult a physician or nutritionist. These are the foods to avoid to protect your health. Gluten Gluten is present in grains like wheat and rye. Individuals with celiac disease, characterized by gluten sensitivity, should avoid gluten altogether to prevent intestinal damage. Still, many other individuals, including those suffering from MS, can benefit by eliminating gluten from their meals.
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Multiple sclerosis – Foods to avoid for better management

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune condition where the immune system mistakenly attacks myelin, the protective cover of the nerves. While scientists do not exactly know what causes this disorder, it is often attributed to genetic and environmental factors. Doctor-recommended treatments help control symptoms like vision loss, impaired coordination, and fatigue, but patients must also watch what they eat. Certain foods could trigger the condition or worsen symptoms and should be avoided. Saturated fats Foods with saturated fats are said to impact neurological health in the long run. They are often linked to inflammation and high levels of bad cholesterol, which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Since people with multiple sclerosis already have a higher risk of cardiovascular problems than others, they should avoid saturated fat as much as possible. This includes unhealthy fats like coconut oil, full-fat dairy, palm oil, and red meat. Instead, one should choose a low-fat nutrition plan to manage the symptoms. Sugar An excessive amount of sugar is linked to diabetes, kidney damage, rapid heartbeat, vision problems, and more. It may also contribute to nerve damage, which is already a problem in multiple sclerosis. Excess sugar may cause frequent blood sugar fluctuations, contributing to fatigue, especially in patients with this neurological condition.
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