4 effective tips to manage lung cancer

4 effective tips to manage lung cancer

Lung cancer is a form of cancer that starts in the lungs. All of us have two spongy chest organs via which we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Lung cancer is one of the world’s top causes of cancer deaths. Some lung cancer symptoms include trouble breathing, chest discomfort or pain, wheezing, a cough that does not go away, and hoarseness. Read the article to know more about lung cancer, and its management options:

Treating Lung Cancer
Here are some tips for managing lung cancer:

Treatment Options
Here are the three most common prescription treatments to manage lung cancer:

Gavreto: It is an FDA-approved prescription treatment option for treating cancers caused by specific gene changes. It comes as capsules and is orally consumed. It is available in a single strength of 100 mg. Gavreto contains pralsetinib and is a RET inhibitor. Doctors prescribe Gavreto for metastatic NSCLC (Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer) that has rearranged RET genes or mutated. Doctors recommend a dosage of 400 mg once daily. It implies you will take four tablets at a time.

Pralsetinib: It is another prescription remedy for treating metastatic NSCLC. Even patients with RET fusion-positive gene tumors also opt for Pralsetinib. Before prescribing Pralsetinib, the medical professional conducts a test to assess the RET gene fusion.

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