4 useful ways to manage Parkinson’s disease

4 useful ways to manage Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s is a nervous system disorder that affects around seven to ten million people worldwide. It occurs due to damage to specific nerve cells in the brain. The condition inhibits movement and leads to symptoms like tremors, stiffness, balance problems, and slurred or soft speech. These emerge gradually and may not be noticeable at the start. While the disease has no cure, the following treatments, meal plans, lifestyle tips, and therapies help manage Parkinson’s symptoms:

Treatment options
Treatment is necessary to manage the condition and must be started immediately after diagnosis. The popular options are:

    RYTARY helps manage Parkinson’s symptoms like difficulty moving, shakiness, and stiffness. It contains two compounds: carbidopa and levodopa. Levodopa increases the levels of dopamine in the brain, a hormone necessary for normal brain function. On the other hand, carbidopa prevents levodopa   breakdown. It also helps lower levodopa side effects like vomiting and nausea. The dosage of RYTARY is usually thrice a day, but one must consult a doctor before using it. It should not be chewed or crushed but swallowed as a whole to lower the risks of side effects.
    ONGENTYS is an oral treatment usually used once daily at bedtime or as the doctor recommends. It has a substance called opicapone that improves the effects of levodopa and allows the brain to get more of it.

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