4 ways to relieve constipation

4 ways to relieve constipation

When constipated, one’s bowel movements become difficult and infrequent. People with constipation find it challenging to pass stool and can experience hard stool, bloating, or even nausea. Not having enough fiber or fluids can cause constipation, and factors like pregnancy, traveling, sedentary lifestyle, and stress can also increase the risk of developing this condition. Constipation is usually treatable and can be managed using the following treatment options, foods, and lifestyle changes:

Treatment options
Doctors can prescribe laxatives and other such options based on the severity of the condition. Here are a few popular options to treat constipation:

Linzess:  This increases the fluid content in the intestines, which accelerates the food movement through the gut. It also helps improve stool consistency and eases symptoms like discomfort, abdominal pain, straining, bloating, and feeling of incomplete bowel movements. Doctors recommend taking Linzess orally, at least half an hour before one’s first meal.
Movantik:  This option is prescribed to cure the kind of constipation that is a side effect of other treatment options that target non-cancer pain. Movantik curtails the impact of the other prescription treatments on the gut without blocking their effect on pain. This is an oral prescription treatment that should be taken on an empty stomach   an hour before a meal or two hours after one.

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9 drinks that help manage constipation

Most people who suffer from constipation, occasionally or regularly, may find the condition undeniably uncomfortable. Occasional constipation may occur when waste moves from the digestive system slower than usual, which causes it to build up, turn hard and dry, and make stool difficult to pass. There are multiple prescriptions that can help offer relief. A healthcare expert may also recommend these eight drinks to help relieve constipation in combination with treatments. Prune juice One of the most popular choices to relieve constipation is prune juice. An 8-ounce glass of fruit in liquid form contains close to 3 grams of fiber, which makes up about 10 percent of an individual’s Daily Value (DV). As for its benefits, the fiber content derived from prunes helps bulk up stools. Furthermore, the fruit is also rich in sorbitol, which assists in softening the waste matter, making it easier to pass. Since the juice is best enjoyed in its natural form, one should put about 5-6 pieces of the fruit in a bowl and soak it in a quarter cup of hot water for 30 minutes. After this, they need to blend the contents of the bowl, cool it down, and drink the juice. Apple juice Drinking apple juice may serve as a very gentle laxative for people with constipation.
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6 Foods to Eat and Avoid for Constipation

The studies show that around 14% of people face chronic constipation at some point. The symptoms of constipation include passing stools less than three times a week, feeling bloated all the time, having hard stools, and needing too much force to pass the stool. Constipation can be due to poor eating habits, slow digestion process, dehydration, illness, pregnancy, certain treatments, etc. A person should keep their food habits in check to manage constipation. 6 foods that can help treat constipation Given below are some fiber-rich foods that can help relieve constipation and regularize bowel movements: Fruits Fruits are rich in insoluble fiber and have high water content, making them a good pick, especially if one suffers from constipation. Here are some high-fiber fruits that can help ease the condition: Kiwi : Kiwi contains the enzyme actinide, which helps with indigestion, pain, acid reflux, and abdominal discomfort. Apples and pears : These fruits have high water content and can aid digestion. Blackberries : They are a rich source of fiber and water. A bowl of blackberries and raspberries can help with constipation. Grapes : They contain a lot of water and can hence add moisture to hard stools. Whole wheat pasta, bread, and cereals Whole wheat products like pasta, bread, and cereals are a great source of insoluble fiber.
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5 Common Digestive Issues and Their Symptoms

One of the most vital systems in our body is the digestive system. It is responsible for the digestion of food and the distribution of nutrients throughout the body to meet the bodily requirements for energy, development, and cell repair. Issues in the digestive can interfere with the body’s ability to get energy from food. While some gastrointestinal issues can go away with healthy eating habits, other concerns may require treatment.  Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) IBS is a functional bowel disorder. This means the cluster of varied symptoms categorized as IBS is brought on by changes in the normal functioning of the digestive system. The primary sign is abdominal pain, which can develop before or after a bowel movement, and is a reliable indicator of IBS. Additionally, one may experience both constipation and diarrhea. The form of IBS can be determined depending on whether a person has diarrhea or constipation more frequently or both equally. Other IBS signs and symptoms are incomplete bowel motions, white mucus in the stool, and bloating. Nutrition is important for managing the symptoms of IBS, which includes eating low-fat, high-fiber meals and avoiding common trigger foods when the cause of the condition is unknown. Food poisoning or gastrointestinal infection are common causes.
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