5 foods that can play a role in lowering cancer risk

5 foods that can play a role in lowering cancer risk

Cancer is an umbrella term that covers a wide range of conditions that are caused due to the rapid multiplication of abnormal or damaged cells in the body. The condition can originate in any part of the body and the cells usually spread or invade nearby organs, tissues, and muscles. While the exact cause of cancer is unknown, following specific food plans, as given below, can help reduce the risk of developing this condition:

5 foods that can help lower the risk of cancer

If you’re looking for a superfood that can help you lower your chances of cancer, you could try broccoli. An integral part of many healthy recipes, broccoli contains tons of antioxidants and vital nutrients that keep the body healthy. It also contains sulforaphane, which is known to have many strong anti-cancer properties. Studies conducted by the National Institute of Health have shown that sulforaphane can reduce the size as well the number of cancer cells in the breast by almost 75%. They also found that treating mice with sulforaphane reduced the prostate cancer cells and the volume of the tumor by greater than 50%. More research is needed to understand the role of sulforaphane in the fight against cancer.

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6 foods that help fight prostate cancer

Diagnosing and treating cancer can be a draining process. It becomes imperative for patients and their caretakers to ensure that patient is eating the right food. This provides the body with the necessary energy to fight the symptoms. It also helps the body to recover from the damage caused by the condition and treatment options employed to keep cancer under control. Therefore, the inclusion of foods with anticancerous properties becomes non-negotiable. Tomatoes Lycopene is an essential component that helps fight prostate cancer. This compound is found in abundant quantities in tomatoes. Aside from prostate cancer, lycopene also helps manage and prevent cancers of the lungs and stomach. Including meals rich in vegetable and fruit content as a staple can help combat numerous health concerns. Other foods that carry high amounts of lycopene include guava, papaya, and watermelon. Pectic has also been proven to decrease the number of cancer cells in the body by 40%. However, it should be noted that the compounds are more effective if taken in their natural form. Fiber-rich foods Studies in the past have suggested that Asian men are less prone to developing prostate cancer than Caucasian men. This difference can be attributed to the presence or lack of fiber in one’s meals.
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12 warning signs of kidney cancer

The kidneys’ primary function is to filter blood and remove any harmful properties. However, individuals can develop masses such as growths or tumors inside the kidneys, which can stop them from doing their job properly. And while these could be signs of other health conditions, they may also indicate kidney cancer. Therefore, it is essential to learn about the signs of this mutation to receive a diagnosis as soon as possible. Here are a few signs that point toward kidney cancer: Blood in the urine (hematuria) The normal color of urine ranges from clear to pale yellow. Sometimes, this color may also change based on the foods one eats. For example, blackberries, beets, and fava beans may turn urine pink or red. Furthermore, certain treatment options may cause the color of the urine to turn orange or green. However, the reddish color of one’s urine might indicate that something isn’t right with the organ. It could point toward the presence of an infection or cancer. A healthcare expert must immediately diagnose such developments. Abdominal lump One of the most common indicators of kidney cancer is a hard lump that forms in the abdominal region. The development may occur in the front or rear of the region.
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