5 lesser-known features of term insurance

5 lesser-known features of term insurance

Term insurance is just like life insurance. The only major difference is that while life insurance covers the policyholder all their life, term insurance protects for a fixed duration. If the policyholder or the insured passes away within that period, the insurance company pays the beneficiaries the claim amount. Term insurance plans are available nationwide at several insurance companies and financial institutions, so one can easily sign up for them.

Why purchase a term insurance plan?
Like permanent life insurance, term insurance offers several benefits, making it a good investment option. The biggest reason to buy a plan is that it provides financial stability to the family and dependents after the policyholder’s passing. All one has to do is visit an insurance provider, choose a suitable policy, and pay a regular premium. Then, in case of an untimely death, the company will compensate the beneficiaries.

A policyholder can rest assured that their family will continue to have access to finances and maintain their standard of living after their passing. The loved ones can use the money to pay their daily expenses, like groceries and utility bills, and even pay off debt. This peace of mind is why many get a term insurance plan.

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