5 side effects of sleep deprivation

5 side effects of sleep deprivation

Sleep is a vital and fundamental biological process that contributes to maintaining a healthy body and lifestyle. However, sleep often takes a backseat in today’s hustle and bustle, which can lead to several side effects that affect physical, mental, and emotional health. Let’s look at some of these side effects and their significant role in leading a healthy lifestyle. Always consult a doctor about any severe side effects of sleep deprivation.

Here are a few side effects of sleep deprivation:

  • Cognitive impairment
    There is plenty of research suggesting a link between cognitive health and sleep. Studies suggest that short-term cognitive impacts on sleep include feeling groggy, fatigued, and drowsy. But other side effects are also studied, like how poor sleep can reduce a person’s attention span, affecting their processing and learning abilities. Slowed-down thinking and reaction time are also associated with a lack of sleep.Some long-term side effects of poor sleep are cognitive decline, memory issues, and dementia. REM sleep is crucial for a well-rested night because REM sleep is believed to help boost procedural memory in the brain. This means that it can help recall the sequence of steps in general. These sequences help keep the memory of things and daily life intact.

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