6 common breast pumping mistakes to avoid

6 common breast pumping mistakes to avoid

A pump is a great tool for every breastfeeding mom. It gives you the flexibility to provide breastmilk to your baby even when you need to be away for some time. Or when your baby is not latching. Thus, pumping makes a mom’s life a little easier. At the same time, the pumping process can be frustrating and uncomfortable. However, making a few changes to your process or learning new techniques makes a lot of difference. 

Here are a few common pumping mistakes and ways to rectify them.

Not using hands-free pumping bras
If you are exclusively pumping and not nursing, it can keep you occupied for a significant amount of time daily. So you may end up sitting there holding your bra in place for almost two hours. Whether you wish to multitask or relax by scrolling through your phone or reading a book, you won’t be able to. The time you spend pumping will be completely blocked by this activity.

What you can do
Purchase a couple of hands-free pumping bras. These will make things easier for you. With your hands free, you can multitask while you are pumping. While buying these bras, make sure what your requirements are.

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