6 foods that help fight prostate cancer

6 foods that help fight prostate cancer

Diagnosing and treating cancer can be a draining process. It becomes imperative for patients and their caretakers to ensure that patient is eating the right food. This provides the body with the necessary energy to fight the symptoms. It also helps the body to recover from the damage caused by the condition and treatment options employed to keep cancer under control. Therefore, the inclusion of foods with anticancerous properties becomes non-negotiable.

Lycopene is an essential component that helps fight prostate cancer. This compound is found in abundant quantities in tomatoes. Aside from prostate cancer, lycopene also helps manage and prevent cancers of the lungs and stomach. Including meals rich in vegetable and fruit content as a staple can help combat numerous health concerns. Other foods that carry high amounts of lycopene include guava, papaya, and watermelon. Pectic has also been proven to decrease the number of cancer cells in the body by 40%. However, it should be noted that the compounds are more effective if taken in their natural form.

Fiber-rich foods
Studies in the past have suggested that Asian men are less prone to developing prostate cancer than Caucasian men. This difference can be attributed to the presence or lack of fiber in one’s meals.

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Early Warning Signs and Food Regimes for Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers globally. The tumor begins in the prostate gland and can be detected through screening, after which the treatment procedure is determined. While standard treatments exist, clinical trials on and for prostate cancer   determine how effective new therapies can be. However, aside from therapies, it is essential to eat the right foods to reduce the growth rate of cancer cells and improve the effects of treatment. Early signs of prostate cancer Though early stages of the condition are symptomatic, the signs usually start appearing as the disease progresses. Here are some of the early warning signs that should not be ignored. Frequent urination One of the early warning signs of prostate cancer is the need to urinate frequently, especially at night. As the tumor grows, the pressure on the urethra or bladder results in more need to pass urine than usual. You might also have bleeding when you are urinating. Problems urinating There might be a weak urinary stream or a need to strain to empty the bladder. Some men may even feel pain or burning during urination. Loss of bladder control Another symptom of prostate cancer is leaking urine when you laugh or cough.
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4 excellent ways to boost prostate health

Studies show that every one in nine men is diagnosed with prostate cancer. When men experience any concern related to their prostate health, be it enlarged prostate because of benign prostate hyperplasia, prostate cancer, or prostatitis, it’s best to look for ways to overcome the problem. Leading a healthy lifestyle is the best way to maintain prostate health. However, there are other ways for men to promote better prostate health. Let’s take a look: Treatment options Vitalflow The supplement is an amalgam of botanical extracts that work as a nutritional supplement and improve prostate health. It also helps ease BPH symptoms and relieves concerns like ejaculatory pain and urinary incontinence. It is a non-GMO, vegan, and allergen-free supplement. Vitalflow is made from natural herbs and plants and contains no chemicals or toxins that may negatively hamper overall health. It has saw palmetto-berry that improves hormone levels and prostate health and a cat’s claw that eliminates toxins from the body.  Prosvent This is a natural, safe formula to help reduce frequent and urgent trips to the bathroom. It also makes it easier to empty the bladder and lets one enjoy a good night’s sleep without interruptions. Prosvent testing claims that one may start to experience relief from the symptoms in just thirty days.
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5 foods that can play a role in lowering cancer risk

Cancer is an umbrella term that covers a wide range of conditions that are caused due to the rapid multiplication of abnormal or damaged cells in the body. The condition can originate in any part of the body and the cells usually spread or invade nearby organs, tissues, and muscles. While the exact cause of cancer is unknown, following specific food plans, as given below, can help reduce the risk of developing this condition: 5 foods that can help lower the risk of cancer Broccoli If you’re looking for a superfood that can help you lower your chances of cancer, you could try broccoli. An integral part of many healthy recipes, broccoli contains tons of antioxidants and vital nutrients that keep the body healthy. It also contains sulforaphane, which is known to have many strong anti-cancer properties. Studies conducted by the National Institute of Health have shown that sulforaphane can reduce the size as well the number of cancer cells in the breast by almost 75%. They also found that treating mice with sulforaphane reduced the prostate cancer cells and the volume of the tumor by greater than 50%. More research is needed to understand the role of sulforaphane in the fight against cancer.
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