6 household plants that are toxic to dogs

6 household plants that are toxic to dogs

As a pet parent, you probably pet-proofed your home before getting a dog or a cat. You ensure that the animals have no access to the chocolates, the antifreeze, the repellents, and even put all the hazardous toys out of their reach. But, most of us forget about plants. Read on to know how those seemingly safe and aesthetic potted plants in your home or yard can be toxic for your pet dog:

6 household plants to keep way from your dogs

Sago palm
The sago palm plant is a very common sight in households worldwide. Its leafy green aesthetic makes it the perfect addition to your indoor plant collection. It is also effortless to care for, making it a popular plant choice for homes. But, you may want to remove it or steer clear of it if you have a dog. This is simply because sago palm is toxic to dogs. It contains an element known as cycasin, which, if consumed, can lead to a wide range of symptoms or be fatal. If your dog has ingested this plant, you may note symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, tremors, loss of balance, and even seizures. In worse cases, consuming the sago palm plant can also lead to liver failure or death.

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8 human foods that are harmful for dogs

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7 human foods safe for consumption by dogs

A dog is a man’s best friend. Now you might have heard this a lot of times, and if you have ever had a pet dog, then you know the joy they bring into the lives of others. However, as often happens with family, you must have been tempted to share your food with your pet dog. Unfortunately, not all human foods are pet-safe. Read on to learn about which foods your dog can eat. 7 human foods that are safe for consumption by dogs It is a known fact that dogs and puppies have different digestive systems compared to humans, making some of the foods you eat unhealthy or even toxic for them. Here are some of the human foods that are safe for dogs: Carrots Vegetables and fruits are known to be incredible sources of nutrition. Carrots are an excellent source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making it a snack that your puppy can eat at any time of the day. You can either cook it or even feed it as a raw snack, but remember to cut the vegetable into small pieces to avoid choking hazards. Watermelon Some fruits can probably make your dog incredibly sick, but watermelon is not one of them.
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