6 mistakes to avoid in a DIY divorce

6 mistakes to avoid in a DIY divorce

Divorces can be expensive. So, the idea of saving money by tackling the whole divorce process by oneself, or a DIY divorce, as some call it, can seem appealing. But navigating a divorce, even an amicable one, involves a complex web of legal jargon, state-specific laws, and financial considerations. Understanding the major mistakes to avoid in a DIY divorce can help one decide if this route is truly the path of least resistance for one’s situation.

Mistakes to avoid
Here are a few mistakes to avoid in a DIY divorce:

1. Not consulting a legal advisor
Let’s face it: most individuals know very little about the legal world and its nitty-gritty. They are not legal experts. Divorce laws vary from state to state, and understanding things like child support guidelines, property division regulations, and spousal maintenance statutes can be overwhelming, to say the least. Misinterpreting these laws during divorce can lead to lopsided settlements that leave one feeling shortchanged or, worse, stuck in a legal battle that could have been avoided.

So consider this: even if one decides to go the DIY route, consult with an attorney for a limited consultation. Think of it like a financial advisor one sees before making a big investment.

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