6 signs of Alzheimer’s due to high sugar levels

6 signs of Alzheimer’s due to high sugar levels

Cognitive disorders develop gradually and do not necessarily exhibit symptoms that are easily noticed. Several known discomforts overlap with other conditions making it difficult for doctors to diagnose the condition. However, one of the primary concerns associated with common conditions is changes in daily nutrition. Sugar intake is a specific risk factor that greatly determines the progression of these disorders. Here is how sugar can affect the overall outlook of living with dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s and dementia
Dementia is not a disease but a general group of disorders that even covers Alzheimer’s, mainly exhibiting the following symptoms:

Problems with memory
Difficulty in problem-solving due to reduced analytical skills
Difficulty getting tasks done
Confusion and poor judgment
Keeping track of activities
Changes in mood triggered by emotional responses

These are just the most common and noticeable signs of developing Alzheimer’s. There are many factors ranging from changes in daily nutrition to poor lifestyle choices, that impact the progression of these conditions. However, high blood sugar is a primary risk factor associated with a significant number of known symptoms. It’s one of the reasons people who develop type 1 or type 2 diabetes are at an increased risk of developing dementia over those who do not have diabetes.

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