7 critical credit card usage mistakes to avoid in future

7 critical credit card usage mistakes to avoid in future

Credit cards offer an innovative payment solution where you can purchase products and book services in real time while paying for them later. A total balance of all expenditures accrues at the end of the billing cycle, where you can pay a minimum balance for the times when you are short on cash. But you need to use credit cards wisely as they can rack up significant bills that become too expensive to pay off. 

Here are some common pitfalls you must avoid using credit cards.

Making payment mistakes
Having a credit card is tempting because you might not even notice the amount of debt that racks up with just a few swipes. But the bigger problem is not paying these debts on time. Yes, you do have the option of only paying the minimum balance so that the card doesn’t get canceled. But carrying over debt to the next payment cycle will only make it more difficult to ultimately pay the total dues. On top of it, you’ll end up paying interest on the unpaid portion. Even if there is a cash crunch, try paying off most of the bill so that no dues are pending. Also, missing your payment dates can greatly impact your credit score. 

The bottom line, avoid paying only the minimum due and never miss a payment due date to stay clear of interest, late fees, and penalties.

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