7 debit card mistakes to avoid

7 debit card mistakes to avoid

A debit card is among the most preferred payment modes. It is more convenient to carry than cash and easier to use. Besides, debit cards do not add to the mounting credit card bills one has to sift through each month. It helps take money from the bank account and pay for the purchase without adding to the loan amount. However, to manage money wisely, there are certain mistakes to avoid when using debit cards.

Repetitive ATM usage
There are times when using cash is necessary. People are forced to go to the ATM in such cases. Sure, rushing to the ATM is a quick and easy fix, but people should not forget the charges being levied with every withdrawal. When using an ATM, the person’s bank as well as the ATM’s bank charges a fee, which can quickly add up if someone uses this facility frequently. A solution is to go to the bank instead of the ATM during such times. Withdrawing from the bank means no extra fees will be deducted from one’s account.

Forgetting to check the balance
When purchasing with a debit card, chances are the transaction will not reflect on the app or account activity immediately.

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