7 important things to remember before adopting a child

7 important things to remember before adopting a child

Welcoming a child into one’s family through adoption is an indescribable feeling. As a child enters their new parents’ lives, the joy everyone feels is immeasurable. Adoption is a long and complicated process at times due to all the emotions involved. As a result, prospective parents of an adopted child may make certain mistakes during the process. Remembering certain essentials and avoiding typical mistakes is important to make the adoption process smooth and stress-free.

There are many types of adoption
Many people may be unaware of this, but there are several kinds of adoption. So, one of the first major decisions parents must make during the process is what kind of adoption they want to pursue. There are three kinds of adoption: semi-open (also called mediated adoption), open, and closed.

The most common type of adoption is semi-open adoption, which is also considered to be the most restrictive. In this type of adoption,  most, if not all, communication between adoptive families and birth mothers is  conducted through a mediator, formally called the adoption professional. This is done to preserve identifying information between the two parties on either side of the mediator.

In an open adoption, identifying information between the two parties is exchanged with little to zero interference from a middle person.

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