7 mistakes applicants must avoid when applying for jobs

7 mistakes applicants must avoid when applying for jobs

These days, with online job portals, applying for jobs has become a lot easier than before. However, job application entails much more than shortlisting relevant openings and sharing a resume. One needs to research the job market, upgrade one’s skills, and compare salaries across different companies. In the process, it is easy to overlook certain important aspects of job application. Therefore, here are some mistakes to avoid when applying for jobs:

Incomplete or missing cover letter
A good cover letter reflects positively on a candidate’s resume and requires being expressive, eloquent, and concise. A cover letter is usually the last step of a job application, which candidates draft when applying, as it is not required in select job profiles. Nonetheless, writing a cover letter requires skill, and a well-drafted one will surely leave a positive first impression on employers. Moreover, cover letters can be customized more easily than resumes, so it is one’s chance to explain why one is eligible for the job role. Therefore, sending a well-written cover letter and an updated resume is necessary to increase the chances of a candidate’s resume being shortlisted.

Having an incomplete or messy social media presence
Social media is a powerful tool to stay connected with family and friends and be more accessible to recruiters.

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