7 mistakes to avoid for preventing and managing skin diseases

7 mistakes to avoid for preventing and managing skin diseases

Many people follow a great skincare routine by applying expensive creams and lotions but still encounter skin conditions like acne, eczema, and rashes. While it’s great to know the best practices for keeping your skin healthy, preventive skin care is equally important. Here are some unhealthy habits you need to stop immediately to keep skin conditions at bay and manage existing problems. These tips are easy to follow and don’t cost a lot.

Having too much sugar and refined carbs
Research shows that refined carbs and sugar increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular issues. But did you know that foods rich in sugar and carbs also lead to skin disease? Excessive sugar leads to a spike in insulin levels. This, in turn, causes the pores to secrete excess oil, leading to clogged pores and pimples. On the other hand, carbs bind to collagen molecules, forming advanced glycation end products (AGEs) that make the skin look aged.

Skipping sunscreen
Although we know how important sunscreen is for keeping the skin free of wrinkles, tanning, and pigmentation, we often skimp on it. Not using sunscreen can contribute to severe skin diseases, including skin cancer. To keep such ailments at bay, use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that will shield the skin against both UVA and UVB rays.

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8 mistakes to avoid while waxing at home

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Common mistakes to avoid while grooming one’s beard

While beards have recently regained popularity, their significance has been recognized since prehistoric times. For example, ancient Greeks considered beards to be signs of wisdom and virility. They were also grown to provide warmth, and protection – particularly the mouth and lips – from harmful external agents. Today, beard grooming has become a breeze with the availability of kits and products. Here are some beard grooming mistakes to avoid for a well-maintained, debonair look: Not washing the beard and mustache before trimming Washing one’s beard and mustache before one starts trimming them ensures that the facial hair is well-hydrated, making it easier to cut. This process also gives one an idea of how the beard or stubble will appear once trimmed. Therefore, it is recommended to wash and dry one’s beard before trimming it. Overlooking the importance of a beard shampoo Since the beard surrounds one’s mouth, food particles can get stuck in it. It can also become a breeding point for natural oils and external pollutants, causing the accumulation of bacteria. A beard shampoo can help dislodge accumulated particles and ensure adequate personal hygiene. It is ideal to wash one’s beard once or twice a week and up to thrice a week for dry and oily skin, respectively.
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