7 mistakes to avoid when selling a home

7 mistakes to avoid when selling a home

Even more challenging than buying a home is selling one. From the long list of tasks that need to be completed to the emotional attachments that one needs to let go of, there are many things one needs to consider when selling one’s home. Given the complexity of this transaction, it is common for people to make big mistakes when trying to sell their home, which could cost them a lot of money.

1. Trying to DIY the sale
Real estate agents indeed ask for a hefty commission, anywhere between 5%-6% of the total price of the sale. While this can feel steep, these agents also bring in a lot of expertise that could ease the selling process, especially for first-time sellers. On the other hand, trying to go down the For-Sale-By-Owner (FSBO) route could result in complicated paperwork and botched-up negotiations. This is why one must look for a good real estate agent who has the seller’s best interests at heart. They will help one set a competitive price for the home, manage the emotional aspect of meeting prospective buyers, and negotiate a better price. They are also well-versed in the paperwork involved in completing the sale, which can be crucial in preventing any delays or legal issues.

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