7 nutritious snacks that kids will enjoy

7 nutritious snacks that kids will enjoy

Feeling hungry frequently is normal for kids since they are growing. However, eating processed foods with added sugars and refined flour is unhealthy and expensive. Besides, you need to ensure that your child receives adequate energy and nutrition to support their physical and mental development. Snack time is one opportunity where you can slip additional nutrients into your child’s meal regime. Here are seven healthy kid snacks you can make without any hassles:

  • Rainbow fruit skewers
    It is not unknown how vital fruits are for our daily nutrition intake. They are a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals and should be eaten in plenty. If you wish to get your child to develop a habit of eating fruits, these rainbow skewers can be a fun way to do that. They are so colorful and tasty that even your child would like to help you in the preparation.
    Get a couple of wooden skewers and stuff each of them with fruits. You can use  raspberries,  strawberries,  segments of tangerine,  cubes of peeled mangoes, and  pieces of peeled pineapples. You can also add  peeled kiwi chunks,  red or green grapes, and  blueberries.  After that, arrange them in such a way that they appear vibrant like a rainbow.

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20 Delicious Allergy-Free Snacks for Kids

Children lead an active lifestyle. So naturally, they work up an appetite and crave foods to satiate these hunger pangs. But you wouldn’t want your children to eat too much of foods that are excessive in added sugar, vegetable oil, and preservatives and trigger their allergies. To avoid this, you can pack healthy lunches that include the following wholesome and allergy-free snacks that they will love to enjoy during breaks. Popcorn Kids can munch on this tasty, filling, and allergy-free snack all day long. Popcorn is low in calories and rich in nutrients that are easily absorbed by the body. It is a whole grain, so the corn kernels are filled with fiber that helps curb hunger pangs and keeps kids satiated throughout the day. Baked nachos Baked nachos are gluten-free and contain essential fibers, and are delicious snacks that kids can munch on. You can even make some homemade salsa dips with fresh tomatoes, cilantro, and lime. You can also whip up some fresh guacamole with avocados to pair it with nachos. Homemade fries Instead of potato fries, why not make sweet potato fries that are healthier and allergy-free? You can even use an air fryer or bake the chips in the oven to make them oil-free and retain nutrients.
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7 delicious and nutritional snacks for kids

Feeling frequent bouts of hunger is not unusual for kids. In fact, it’s quite normal for children in their developing years to feel hungry frequently. However, extreme hunger can lead children to reach out for processed foods, most of which are filled with artificial ingredients, added sugars, and refined flour. These foods have empty calories and no nutritional value. Here are some nutrition-rich kid snacks you can make for your kid without any hassles: Celery with peanut butter and raisins Also known as “ants on a log,” celery with raisins and peanut butter can prove to be a fun way to make your child have a vegetable. Chop a twig of celery into three or four pieces. Take some peanut butter and spread it evenly inside the hollow part of the celery. After that, put some raisins on the peanut butter. The three foods combined in this recipe can offer an excellent balance of nutrients like protein, fat, and carbs. However, ensure that the peanut butter you use is not loaded with added sugars or vegetable oils. Nuts Nuts are notable for their high-fiber content, along with healthy fats and antioxidants. To support your child’s growth, it is essential to provide them with sufficient dietary fats.
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6 strategies to get kids to eat better

Making kids adopt healthy eating habits can be a challenge. You have to ensure the food is not only nutritious but also tasty enough not to be left aside on the plate. But then, most parents run out of ideas over time and eventually become frustrated. So, how do you get your kid to choose the right foods and stay healthy? Here are a few tested strategies to get kids to eat better: Give them the freedom to choose Nobody likes to be compelled to do something, especially high-spirited toddlers and older children constantly trying to assert their autonomy. And the kitchen is not an exception to this principle. Choosing between celery with peanut butter and apple slices may not hold much significance for you; you may think both are healthy and pick either for your child on any given day. However, leaving it to your little one to decide will give them a sense of autonomy, which they seek so much. They may even agree to try new healthy dishes if they feel it is their choice. Let them prepare their plates Allowing children to prepare their own plates is another way of letting them feel their autonomy. It will, in turn, make them enthusiastic about trying new dishes.
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