7 things to avoid doing when staying in a hotel

7 things to avoid doing when staying in a hotel

Staying in a luxurious hotel can be exciting. You can enjoy several amenities, personalized services, and complimentary benefits. But you should be cautious. Experts and travel enthusiasts have devised several dos and don’ts to follow when in a hotel to avoid confusion and make the trip more memorable. Special focus should be on the don’ts as these can risk your safety in a new place. Here are seven things to avoid doing in hotels:

Opening the door instantly 
Many instantly reach out for the doorknob on hearing the doorbell or a knock. This is a big mistake. While it is okay to assume that the person on the other side would be a housekeeping staff or an F&B person, it is best never to take a chance. This is especially applicable if you are in another country, traveling for the first time to a place, or staying at the location as a first-time guest. Verify the visitor’s identity before opening the door. You can do so by looking through the peephole or glancing outside through an adjacent window. Letting strangers inside can be costly if they turn out to be someone with the wrong intent.

Packing the hotel’s bathrobes in your suitcase
This is nothing short of stealing; you could be in big trouble if caught.

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