7 uncomfortable questions to ask a gastroenterologist

7 uncomfortable questions to ask a gastroenterologist

“Gut health is the key to overall health.” After all, almost two-thirds of our body’s immune system resides in the gut. Whatever a person consumes forms the foundation of their overall health. And even a slight problem with gut health can cause many issues, ranging from skin conditions to poor mental health. However, despite its importance, people often find it embarrassing to openly talk to a gastroenterologist about their digestive health.

It is essential, though, for everyone to understand that it is completely normal to ask questions and share things about their health with the doctor. Here are a few common questions about digestive health that people should not feel uncomfortable asking their gastroenterologist:

1. Why do feces have an unusual color?
When it comes to digestive health, a lot of people feel uncomfortable talking about their feces and bowel movements. However, not discussing it with the doctor may do more harm than good. This is because if a person has noticed an unusual change in their feces, like its color, it may be a symptom of an underlying condition. Sometimes, the color of feces can also change based on the consumption of certain colored foods, although that is not always the case.

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