8 Best Times to Drink Water

8 Best Times to Drink Water

Water is essential for the overall well-being of humans as it constitutes 75% of the body. It is crucial in managing all bodily functions. Staying hydrated also protects us from many harmful diseases. Therefore, drinking ample water daily is necessary to keep a person hydrated and healthy. However, do you know that the time one drinks water may impact the body’s overall functioning? Read on to learn about the best times of the day to drink water.

Upon waking up in the morning
When a person wakes up in the morning, the first essential thing to do is to hydrate the body. The body undergoes a long fasting period as we sleep, and a person is dehydrated for a longer hours of time. Drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning is an easier way to maintain proper hydration habits and boost fluid intake throughout the day. Though there is not much evidence that drinking water when one wakes up in the morning is beneficial, some people believe it works for them. Despite these uncertainties, one thing everyone admits to is that it helps maintain a healthy hydration routine. Increasing the hydration level helps improve energy, improve one’s mood, and boost brain function.

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Reasons to avoid tap water and drink purified water

Most countries provide the public with easily available tap water drinking stations, and this water is usually considered safe for consumption. The government and health bodies have a testing and treatment process in place to ensure that tap water meets regulatory standards provided by them. However, water can have a certain potential to cause harmful side effects for people. Here are some reasons why one must avoid drinking tap water and switch to purified water. Microbial contamination Improper treatment of drinking water can lead to the water being contaminated with parasites like bacteria and viruses. And prolonged exposure to these microbes can lead to health issues like stomach cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting.  Fluoride exposure Fluoride is added to drinking water sources to prevent dental decay. However, if there is an excess amount of fluoride present in the water source, it can also cause dental fluorosis. The condition can cause defects in tooth enamel and lead to discoloration of the teeth. Increased intake of fluoride can also increase the risk of skeletal fluorosis, leading to symptoms like bone pain, stiffness, and fractures. Exposure to nitrates and nitrites Groundwater sources can turn septic because of system leakage. It can be caused because of the introduction of nitrates and nitrites in the water.
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Health issues caused by excessive water intake

It’s important to stay hydrated for good health, but drinking too much water can also cause problems. Overhydration occurs when there’s excess water in the body, leading to complications with various organs. It is crucial to know the importance of drinking enough water and the issues that can arise when one drinks too much water. Read on to learn about health issues one may experience as a result of overhydration. Hyponatremia This is a condition in which the sodium levels in the body are below the normal amount. The normal levels are 135 to 145 milliequivalents/liter, but the levels drop below 135 in hyponatremia. One of the reasons why this condition is caused is due to too much water or fluids in the body. This excess hydration can “water down” the sodium in the body leading to complications. Some of the symptoms of this illness can include vomiting, nausea, low blood pressure, loss of energy, seizures or coma, muscle weakness or twitching, cramps, restlessness, bad temper, headache, fatigue, and confusion. Water poisoning This may sound unusual, but it is something that happens when one drinks water in excess. One can experience water poisoning, intoxication, or even damage to brain function due to excess water in the body.
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9 drinks that help manage constipation

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