8 common breathing mistakes to avoid

8 common breathing mistakes to avoid

Breathing is such an involuntary and automatic process that one forgets that, unlike heartbeats, they can control and manage their breathing. One should usually breathe 12 to 20 times per minute. In addition to this, there are other essential things that one needs to be mindful of while breathing. Most people do not think twice about how they breathe, but the following mistakes can affect overall health in the long run:

Breathing through the mouth
One is supposed to breathe in oxygen through the nose and breathe out carbon dioxide using the mouth. However, breathing through the mouth can affect respiratory health as this does not allow the nose to carry out its functions. The nose is an incredibly complex organ with about 20 functions that actively aid breathing. Some of these are trapping dust particles and pollen grains, steadying the airflow, humidifying the air as it moves toward the lungs, assisting the diaphragm, and producing nitric oxide. By breathing through the mouth, one does not let the nose filter dust and other allergens. Additionally, one tends to breathe in about 2 to 3 times more oxygen than the required amount when breathing with their mouth.

Breathing too fast
Rapid breathing may seem harmless, but it is one of the common breathing mistakes that can wear out the lungs.

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