8 early signs of seizures

8 early signs of seizures

Seizures occur when changes in the brain’s electrical activity cause sudden changes in movement, sensation, awareness, thought, or behavior. Depending on the part of the brain involved, they are categorized into three main types – focal onset seizures, generalized onset seizures, and unknown onset seizures. Although seizures may present themselves differently and with varying intensities, recognizing their early signs is crucial for timely support and intervention. Some of the most commonly reported signs of a seizure include:

People who experience seizures often describe feeling an aura beforehand. This sensation can include a variety of feelings, such as visual, auditory, or olfactory sensations, pain, numbness, or headaches. Some examples of aura symptoms include a wave-like sensation that travels through the head, twitching or stiffening of the arm or hand, a feeling of falling or riding a roller coaster in the stomach, an unusual taste or smell, hearing unexplained sounds or music, experiencing sudden, intense emotions like fear, happiness, or anxiety, tingling or numbness, hallucinations, or seeing colored or flashing lights.

According to research, around 65 percent of people with generalized epilepsy experience seizures. Auras can be a warning sign of an oncoming seizure, signaling that it may be time to seek assistance and move to a safer place.

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