8 Foods for Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails

8 Foods for Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails

For most people, achieving healthy hair, skin, and nails involves visiting a beauty salon for cosmetic treatments. However, it’s crucial to remember that what we put inside our bodies is more important than what we put on them. Thus, consuming nutritious food is vital to provide the body with the necessary minerals, vitamins, and nutrients for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. Additionally, keeping the body hydrated by drinking enough water is equally crucial.

How does food impact hair, skin, and nails?
Skin, hair, and nails are made of different elements. For example, the fingernails and hair are made of keratin. So if keratin production is not regulated in the body, a person will have dull hair and brittle nails. In such cases, eating foods rich in biotin is usually recommended. It boosts keratin production in the body and promotes follicle growth.

Similarly, Vitamins A, E, and D, iron, healthy fats, carbohydrates, and protein are also essential for skin, hair, and nail health. When one eats foods rich in healthy fats, the body can lock in enough moisture making them radiant.

On the contrary, not eating foods rich in these nutrients can worsen the skin, nails, and hair condition. For example, it has been observed that eating foods that are low in carbohydrates can lead to hair thinning, making them brittle.

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Things to do and avoid for healthy nails

One may have weak nails if they bend, chip, or break easily. This is a common problem, making one use acrylic and gel nails to get the length and shape they design without relying on their own nails. However, this is only a temporary solution for brittle nails. Making a few changes, like eating well-balanced meals, practicing good hygiene, and protecting their nails, can help restore their health and make them stronger. Things to do Staying hydrated Water is crucial for maintaining a healthy mind and body, which includes nail health. If one does not have enough water and fluids during the day for the nails to get moisture, they may experience brittle nails. Maintaining optimum hydration levels will help one retain moisture in the nails and strengthen them. Using mild nail products One should skip nail paints and other products that contain compounds like formaldehyde, toluene, and DBP. All of these are harsh on the nails and can end up weakening them. One can try to find brands known for non-toxic, mild nail polishes. Products that do not contain these 3 harsh ingredients often come with “3-free” labels. One might also find some 5-free and 7-free paints that skip harsh chemicals like camphor, xylene, formaldehyde resin, and TPHP.
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12 warning signs of psoriasis to be aware of

Psoriasis is  a type of  autoimmune skin disorder marked by chronic inflammation and a rapid overproduction of skin cells. This chronic condition leads to an overactive immune system, affecting the whole body. It is more common among adults, especially those aged between 40 and 59  years . There are several types of psoriasis ;  the most common one  is  plaque psoriasis.  External factors like skin injury, throat infection, or certain treatment options usually cause psoriasis. Warning signs of psoriasis In psoriasis, people  can develop different signs and symptoms,  varying from one person to another. The symptoms also depend on which  type of psoriasis  one has .  If one experiences any  of the  common warning signs of psoriasis, they should seek medical help. Plaque Psoriasis forms thick, red patches on the skin that are often covered with silvery flakes on the skin called scales. People can notice significant and sudden changes in the way their skin looks. The raised, inflamed patches, seen mainly on the elbows, scalp, knees, and lower back, can surface anywhere on the body. Sometimes, these patches merge, creating larger patches that may be sore to tough or cause irritation. One may get a sensation of itching the affected area constantly.
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Signs and Symptoms of Lesser-known Autoimmune Diseases

The immune system prevents diseases and infections by fighting off germs that enter the body. In some people, however, the immune system attacks healthy cells, tissues, and organs by perceiving them as a threat. This condition is known as an autoimmune disease. Experts have recognized over 80 types of autoimmune diseases that can affect any part of the human body. Generally, autoimmune diseases are incurable, with symptoms showing up in flares and requiring lifelong management. Recognizing some lesser-known autoimmune diseases To begin treatment for an autoimmune disease, it is important to get the right diagnosis. Knowing the common and lesser-known symptoms of some autoimmune diseases can help in the process. Hemolytic anemia Hemolytic anemia is an autoimmune blood condition where the body’s red blood cells are destroyed faster than they can be replaced. It may be inherited from one’s parents or acquired due to an infection, tumor, cancer, or other autoimmune disorders. Symptoms of hemolytic anemia include loss of appetite, irritability, headaches, lack of color in the skin, jaundice, dark-colored urine, fever, weakness, dizziness, confusion, fatigue, enlarged spleen and liver, tachycardia, and heart murmur. Other symptoms may also include brittle nails, pica syndrome, sore or inflamed tongue, mouth ulcers, abnormal menstrual bleeding, loss of sexual desire, and numbness in the hands and feet.
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