8 foods to help improve fertility in men and women

8 foods to help improve fertility in men and women

Often, people incorrectly believe that low fertility is incurable. Fortunately, years of extensive scientific research have found that the foods one eats, or lifestyle habits can either enhance or debilitate fertility. Maintaining a good food regime can, over time, restore fertility levels in people. This is because of the nutritional value of specific foods that directly bring about positive changes in a person’s reproductive health. Thus, here are some foods that improve fertility:

Everyone’s favorite breakfast, a warm bowl of oatmeal, is also a wonderful fertility enhancer. Studies have found that high-fiber carbs that have a low glycemic index are positive for fertility growth. Oatmeal is loaded with these kinds of high-performance carbohydrates. At the same time, one also needs to be careful. The glycemic index of carbohydrates is linked with a given food’s ability to raise or lower one’s blood sugar levels. So, while low glycemic index-based foods lower a person’s blood sugar levels, high glycemic index-based foods make that level rise. Sugar is associated with fertility issues. Thus, foods like oatmeal should be consumed in moderation or you should have sugar-free oatmeal, if possible, to attain all of their benefits while sidestepping their problematic aspects.

Leafy green vegetables have countless health benefits, which is why they regularly feature on nearly all “best foods” lists, and that trend continues for this list as well.

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